I understand the fact that dogs are purported to be man's best friend. I get that, actually. We had an adorable beagle named Lexie who proved to us daily that when it comes to unfaltering love, affection and forgiveness, nothing beats a dog.
Still, I'm kind of a Cat Person. Always have been. Always will be. Something about their eyes, their sleekness, their mild aloofness. They love you but they don't pander. They don't run around in circles and pee on the floor when they're excited to see you. They trot gracefully to your side and rub up against your leg. Cat-style. Awesome.
I also get why the ancient Egyptians revered them. And why certain African tribes are still terrified of them. I had this guy over to my house a couple times for a study group and he kept as much distance between himself and my cat, Romeo, as possible. Romeo had these yellow-green eyes that seemed almost "other-worldly" in their penetrating gaze. My dad (God rest him) used to call them "Boo Eyes."

But cats are amazing creatures. Every time I watch a Discovery or Animal Planet show on big cats, I find myself inadvertently holding my breath. They're such an impressive cross between softness and predatory strength.
I guess that inspires me, in a weird way. You don't have to be all cuddles all the time. Nor do you have to pounce on people and eat them for dinner 24/7. You can have long claws but keep them hidden but for special occasions. lol. I know. I'm a little scary that way, huh?
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